I have a Clutter For Sale section of The Clutter Reports. You can see a link to it in the above header bar as I write this. The Clutter For Sale section is broken down into comics, games, and toys currently but I want to set it up as a place to point to elsewhere. I have managed to sell a couple of toys if you count the MegaMan NT Warrior trio as one sale and Air Attack Optimus Primal as another. It’s not an official store but I’m considering learning how to set it up as such. Like I said, I want to be able to point to it in certain groups as well as finding places to list them.

The comic section is currently and easily the largest, so this week I tried to break the list down into smaller sections with their own pages. This not only included the comics currently listed but other comics I have priced and ready to go. As of this writing this task wasn’t completed. I need another section or two, the Marvel one has a long list with the DC one only has one, and I still have a few more bags of comics that need to be priced. This week was just about starting out that section by making some of the divisions.

Once it’s all set up to my satisfaction I’ll launch the new version of the section proper before resuming pricing the remaining comics, putting a few up at a time. If I do figure out how to make a proper store out of my decluttering efforts it’s going to be more work but right now I just want this because I did post those Facebook Marketplace test ads to a comic collecting group for advice on making better posts. The only thing I heard was from two people wanting to see the rest of my list, so I thought I’d do the list of what I have currently and at least have a potential starting point to cut down my clutter while waiting for an opening to learn how to make a store on WordPress. I might need to make a paid account, which I can’t do at the moment, so I’m hoping it’s allowed on free accounts (they get all the ad revenue so you see on the site), but I want the contingency plan already going.

This is the project for the next few week so these quick reports will update you on what’s going on so far. Whether or not this will also happen to the other sale categories depends on what I decide on as this decluttering project continues and I find more things I can sell off because I really need the money. Stay tuned for future updates.