This should be the final report involving re-organizing my art computer laptop, the “Artputer”. Not a big report, though.

I finished moving all the files over I wanted last week after all, but that all took up a lot of space on the hard drive. So, as part of Operation: A Use For Everything, I had this flash drive a friend of mine gave me with 256 GB of storage space on it. It’s almost a removable hard drive. So I put most of my project files on that and took it off the laptop. As a benefit, if I want to bring this to my other computer or any other computer for any reason it should be easy. I don’t have to send it to the cloud, switch computers, download it, and then get back to work. Just a simple USB swap.

I do have more I need to do, but that will need to be done as I use it, to fine tune the file organization. I also want to play with all the features of my other art programs and see if brushes, textures, and other files can be put on them, and what the easiest method is for adding all this stuff to my programs now and in the future, especially Clip Studio Paint and Paint Shop Pro. For the most part, and for the purposes of this site, the project is complete and hopefully next week’s project will be more interesting to more readers.