This week my dad and I both decided we were long overdue to dust, and now that neither of us was sick or getting over some medical test for once, this weekend was as good as any. For me, I did the studio today. I was just going to post a filler for you guys and focus on the dusting. Then I started doing it. It’s a big room, but it was so much me being tired as me fighting my sinuses to get the dust out of my nose and stop sneezing my brains out! I also did the stairs leading up to my living space, while my dad did the living room and his office as well as the kitchen.

I did stop to do some reorganizing, a bit of minor clutter removal, and dusting including a bunch of decorative stuff I have around the studio and cleaning out my keyboards. I redid the computer desk layout but I didn’t take pictures but I haven’t decided if I’m keeping it this way and it showed me a bunch of papers I have to go through, which will be a project on its own.  I also found some stuff to toss out. I still have the bedroom and bathroom to do, but my nose is a bit plugged writing this on a Friday night, so I’m wondering if I’ll be able to. Maybe if I wore a mask> At least the studio is dusted nicely. What I really need to do is vacuum up here before I really need the air conditions to use all the extra electric up here, but I don’t want to do that until the bedroom is done. The house is old and the electricity is…the stairway light switch at the bottom of the stairs works the light and shuts off one of the electrical outlets upstairs while the same switch upstairs just works the light. Someone really messed that one up. i don’t want to run the air conditioners and the vacuum cleaner along with the computer or TV. At least my computer set-up is on a different breaker.

So I did some dusting and some decluttering, which was at least worthy of a quick report. I’ll edit this if I risk my sinuses to do more cleaning. Dusting and allergy season are a bad combination.